Friday 9 May 2014

Disappointing Product -- Take 2

So firstly, let me just say that I have left my camera at home (I'm now back in university), therefore any pictures will be terrible as they will have been taken on my phone... how stupid can I get?

Anyway... on Monday I told you about my disappointment with the Soap and Glory's face cleanser, and today I present you with my disappointment with the "Thick and Fast" Mascara. It's a shame because I usually really love Soap & Glory products... I love their shower products and I love their concealer pot thingy which I have currently forgotten the name of.

But unfortunately this mascara was just not good at all. The wand is massive which I found was just too messy and hard to use. It may just be me being terrible at putting on my make up, but I found with this mascara it just went all over the place, and as well as that the product that did go on my lashes didn't really do much for me. I think it did add a bit of volume but it clumped my lashes slightly and there was absolutely no curl....

Let me know what you thought of this product, but for me the wand was just too big to use which is a shame!

photo from soap&glory website

Thank you for reading this everyone! I will be back on Monday with another little haul (oops been shopping again).

Vicky x


  1. I have heard a few people disappointed about the soap ad glory products recently!
    How annoying about your camera I would be lost without mine!
    Hope Uni is going good!
    xo Holly xo


    1. It is a real shame because some of their products are so good! I guess it's just hit and miss :)
      I know I literally feel so stupid for leaving it behind! Thank you lovely, hope things are good for you!

      Vicky x
